Monday, 21 November 2011

Thanksgiving Cartoons | latest cartoons for kids

Thanksgiving Cartoons
I love Thanksgiving! It's the purest of the big three holidays. I mean, unless you're in the turkey, pumpkin, or cranberry sauce business, there's not a lot to commercialize. Just food, family, and fun. Not bad, huh?
This being only a blog, I can't help with the food or the family, but I can definitely help with the fun with this smallish smorgasbord of Thanksgiving cartoons. Dig in!

Thanksgiving Cartoon #5991 by Andertoons

Sure, we all like a big Thanksgiving feast, but for a certain subset of fine-feathered friends it's not so much fun. And I guess if I were a turkey right about now I'd be wondering what the cards held for me. Luckily for me I get then chance to explore that quite literally in the above cartoon.

Thanksgiving Cartoon #5838 by Andertoons

Of course most turkeys aren't going to fare well, but thankfully (see what I did there?) this turkey is getting some help with his impending doom.
I had to look up the stages for coping with death to make sure I got them right, and then included my own little addendum. Apologies to Kubler-Ross.

Thanksgiving Cartoon #6158 by Andertoons

Ok, I admit it, I don't know what an x-ray of a turkey looks like. I tried looking it up, but never could find anything. So I punted and just sort of drew a few ribs. Hopefully I haven't offended any turkeys and/or x- ray technicians.

Thanksgiving Cartoon #4243 by Andertoons

Tryptophan is one of those things that once a year everyone knows about. (It's the stuff in turkey that apparently makes you sleepy.) But the rest of the year poor old tryptophan just lays there eating cheetos watching reality TV just waiting for Thanksgiving.
Sad really.

Thanksgiving Cartoon #4207 by Andertoons

I love holidays that aren't on a specific day. New Year's Day is January 1. Boring! Valentines Day is February 14. Yawn!
Gimme those holidays that are like figuring out an equation any day! Fourth Thursday in November! That's what I'm talking about!

Thanksgiving Cartoon #4206 by Andertoons

This is probably my personal favorite of my own Thanksgiving cartoons. It has all my favorite cartoon elements: animal in an office, a caption that won't work without the art and vice- versa, and impending though relatively unspecific death.
Well that does it. Hope you enjoyed 'em.
Music Monday – Pugh/Taylor Project
Posted: 14 Nov 2011 06:00 AM PST
If "tromboning" were a verb, this would be some serious tromboning:

Political cartoons for all | latest cartoons for kids

    MAD or Crazy

Mad ,  m.a.d., Israel,  Iran, 12th Imam, Ahmadinejad, Nukes,   : Dry Bones cartoon. The Telegraph reported on Ahmadinejad in a piece entitled "Divine mission' driving Iran's new leader" in a report which began:
"When an aircraft crashed in Teheran last month, killing 108 people, Mr Ahmadinejad promised an investigation. But he also thanked the dead, saying: "What is important is that they have shown the way to martyrdom which we must follow."
and goes on to cover Ahmadinejad's UN appearance:
"World leaders had expected a conciliatory proposal to defuse the nuclear crisis after Teheran had restarted another part of its nuclear programme in August.
Instead, they heard the president speak in apocalyptic terms of Iran struggling against an evil West that sought to promote "state terrorism", impose "the logic of the dark ages" and divide the world into "light and dark countries".
The speech ended with the messianic appeal to God to "hasten the emergence of your last repository, the Promised One, that perfect and pure human being, the one that will fill this world with justice and peace".
In a video distributed by an Iranian web site in November, Mr Ahmadinejad described how one of his Iranian colleagues had claimed to have seen a glow of light around the president as he began his speech to the UN.
"I felt it myself too," Mr Ahmadinejad recounts. "I felt that all of a sudden the atmosphere changed there. And for 27-28 minutes all the leaders did not blink…It's not an exaggeration, because I was looking.
"They were astonished, as if a hand held them there and made them sit. It had opened their eyes and ears for the message of the Islamic Republic."
Western officials said the real reason for any open-eyed stares from delegates was that "they couldn't believe what they were hearing from Ahmadinejad".

Their sneaking suspicion is that Iran's president actually relishes a clash with the West in the conviction that it would rekindle the spirit of the Islamic revolution and - who knows - speed up the arrival of the Hidden Imam." 

Latest cartoons for kids | handpicked cartoons

Staffing Levels.

Bin Laden (2001) | Bin Laden cartoons | Cartoons for kids

Bin Laden (2001)

November 30, 2001 (2001) Dry Bones cartoon: Bin Laden, Terrorism,  Suicide, Afghanistan, Osama This Golden Oldie is from 2001.
Ten years have gone by and it turned out he wasn't in a cave in Afghanistan.

Latest Lego shoes | Lego Toys for kids

LEGO Shoes
If these came in a 13 wide I would totally wear them. They are so cool.
lego shoes

Spider man loves oranges | cartoon characters videos

Spider-Man Loves Oranges!
I'm not kidding:

the Devil Explains : occupy wall street cartoons

    the Devil Explains

Devil. Occupy, OWS, demonstrations, human nature : Dry Bones cartoon. I'm playing with a new set of characters. The Devil teaching his young students about human beings and how they behave.
your reaction?

Handmade cartoons for kids | funny cartoons

Blowing a fuse.

Cartoons for kids | fun cartoons

    a Simple Dry Bones plan

Israel,  Egypt,  plan, Gaza,  west bank, Judea, Samaria, Palestine,  Jordan,  Peace,  Settlements,  : Dry Bones cartoon. The idea of declaring Judea and Samaria as an independent Palestinian state has not worked.
So we are proud to present our simple and obvious plan.
An agreement between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the State of Israel to jointly administer the area called the "West Bank". Palestinians resident in the Hashemite kingdom can return to the jointly administered area. Jewish settlements remain. Right of return for Palestinians living abroad is carried out in the unified for peace Palestinian entity. Local control is given to Palestinian and Jewish municipalities. International affairs in the hands of the Jordanian/Israeli partnership.
Jordan, with Syria on one side and Iraq, in danger of falling to Iran, on another ...with a growing Palestinian presence in their country should find the idea attractive.