Thursday, 1 December 2011

Thanksgiving Day - thanksgiving cartoons

Thanksgiving Day

Turkey, pork, Pig, Kosher, Thanksgiving, Holiday, Holidays, American Jews, America, Pilgrims  : Dry Bones cartoon. Happy Thanksgiving!
Note: The American Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of November, but there's also a Canadian Thanksgiving Day which is held on the second Monday of October.
This year, Canadian Thanksgiving fell on Monday, Oct 10, 2011 a belated Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends too.

Cats Cartoons

Posted: 26 Nov 2011 12:03 PM PST
dead cat cartoon #1
This week's entry in the cartoon contest. I do like cats. I just want to point that out. I have three. I haven't shown them this cartoon, for obvious reasons. (they are cats!).

Chef Boyardee Spider-Man Team-Up!

Posted: 24 Nov 2011 06:00 AM PST

a trip to 2011

a trip to 2011

Time Travel, 2011, Riots, Arab Spring, OWS, Occupy Wall Street, Egypt,   : Dry Bones cartoon. When I was a kid the future was a wonderful place. Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, streamlined personal rocket ships, gleaming cities.
So now I'm living in the actual future!!
I love to do Time Traveler cartoons. I think of myself as the guy who got sent into the future and has come back to 1958 with his report. (and it's always a shock to the scientists who are running the operation back in the fifties).

White Powder (2001) - fresh cartoons

White Powder (2001)

November 19, 2001 (2001) Dry Bones cartoon: anthrax, Poison, Terrorism, 911, terror, This Golden Oldie is from 2001.
Ten years ago America was caught in a massive anthrax scare. Everyone seemed to be on the lookout for anthrax-laden mail. According to the BBC of Wednesday, November 7 , 2001:
"In media offices, abortion clinics, and government offices around the United States, mail handlers are donning white gloves for fear of the dreaded white powder - anthrax.
But still the FBI has no conclusive evidence as to whether the recent attacks have been state-sponsored, or the work of America's own radicals.

It is a complex investigation made worse by the fact that more than 2,500 anthrax scares in the United States have turned out to be false alarms."

* * *
This year Hanukkah begins at sunset on Tuesday, December 20, 2011, and ends at sunset on Wednesday, December 28, 2011.

Ray Anderson Playing Trombone

Music Monday – Ray Anderson
Posted: 28 Nov 2011 06:00 AM PST
One thing you can say for sure about Ray Anderson's trombone playing - he doesn't sound like anyone else:

Holiday Spirits 2011 - holiday cartoons

Holiday Spirits 2011

Christmas,  Holidays, Economy, Crisis, Shopping, Consumers  : Dry Bones cartoon. When I was a kid in Brooklyn, Christmas started with Santa coming to town in the Macy's parade on Thanksgivings Day. Now it apparently begins with something called Black Friday. I don't know anything about that, I've lived in Israel for forty years. The Christmas season seems, from a distance, at least, to have turned into the shopping season.
And this year, with the economic crisis, Dickens' three ghosts ("The Spirit of Christmas Past", "The Spirit of Christmas Present", and "The Spirit of Christmas Future") have morphed into the three shopping spirits; "Buy", "Save", and "Charge it".
In any case, my best wishes go to our readers who are, or who will soon be, out there Christmas-shopping.

The Way We Were (1976) - cartoons for kids

The Way We Were (1976)

November 28, 1976 (1976) Dry Bones cartoon: Winter, kerosene, Jerusalem, Shuldig, Inflation, 1976 Today's Golden Oldie is from the winter of 1976. Thirty Five years ago!!
I lived in Jerusalem back then and there is nothing that seemed as bone-chillingly cold as those winters in Jerusalem. Part of the problem was that Jerusalem's stone buildings were built to be cool in the summer heat, but when a snowy Jerusalem winter blew in, they were even cooler. Another part of the problem was that we all kept warm with small heaters that burned what we, in our local English dialect called "neft". It wasn't until years later that I learned that "neft"was actually kerosene!
They way we got our "neft"was to shlep a "jerry can" to a gas station or to wait for the neft delivery truck which had a tank from which patrons would fill their jerry cans, jugs, and bottles.
In the cartoon a frigid Mr. Shuldig is trudging home buttoned up against the cold, and musing on the inflation that was ravaging the country at the time.



End of Days, Prophecy, 2012, Mayan calendar, Iran, Arab Spring, demonstrations,  : Dry Bones cartoon. You've probably heard the ridiculous idea that because the Mayan calendar supposedly ends in 2012, some people believe that the world will end in 2012.
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973