Friday, 30 September 2011

George Jetson

The Flinstones took the all-American family back in time, but The Jetsons took it to the future. George Jetson was like Fred Flinstone and every other sitcom father we've seen. He worked to take care of his family, and only wanted some peace and quiet from time to time. But his kids, wife, dog and boss kept him from it. Famously being trapped on a treadmill (who hasn't been?) in the opening credits, it's easy to remember George Jetson.

Betty Boop

Betty Boop was a star in the 1930s, when talkies overtook silent films. Her black and white sex appeal, cutesy voice and ditzy charm made her a hit. Now her image is iconic, appearing on all kinds of merchandise people buy without ever really seeing even one cartoon.

Fat Albert

Fat Albert and the Cosby
"Hey, hey, hey! It's Faaaaaaaat Albert!" Who doesn't know that quote, that theme? Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids was created, voiced and hosted by Bill Cosby. The Saturday morning cartoon spoke to kids of color, living in not-so-Bel Air conditions. Forgetting the 2004 live-action movie, the cartoon is a classic that taught lessons in a warm and funny way.
Beavis and Butt-head
Beavis and
Mike Judge (King of the Hill) brought us these stuttering slacker teenage boys on MTV. They worked at a fast food restaurant, went to school, watched videos and drove adults mad. Beavis and Butt-head were even popular enough to spawn a feature film titled Beavis and Butt-head Do America. Late at night, I can still hear them chuckling. 

Mr. Magoo

Mr. MagooUPA Productions of America, Inc.
Blind, adventurous and oblivious are not a safe mix for an old dude, but Mr. Magoo makes it work. Time after again he misses the bullet, so to speak, and we laugh all the way.

Scooby-Doo and Shaggy

Scooby DooTurner Broadcasting
Scooby-Doo and Shaggy are inseparable, in their antics and on this list. They're funny on two levels. The first is that, seen through the eyes of a child, they're just silly cowards who somehow always save the day and remain best friends. But watch Scooby-Doo as an adult, and you'll wonder if the van driving, spacey talk and continual snacking are lifestyle symptoms of the same folks who inspired Pineapple Express.

Porky Pig

Porky Pig has been stuttering, "That's all folks!" for the better part of a century, but my 6-year old son laughs as if he's the first to discover him. That's the appeal of the sweet little swine.

Daffy Duck

Daffy DuckTurner Broadcasting
Daffy Duck is to Bugs Bunny as Wile E. Coyote is to the Road Runner. Does Daffy envy Bugs? Is jealousy at the heart of his bitter attitude toward Bugs? Regardless, his tantrums and schemes make for great cartoons.

Eric Cartman

Eric CartmanComedy Central
Eric Cartman is usually the villain on South Park. His unemotional, pragmatic view toward his achieving his goals has resulted in many dire circumstances, as well as catch phrases.

SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePantsNickelodeon
Though several channels exist that provide entertainment made for the Y-rating crowd, one cartoon has endured for almost a decade, becoming more famous than its Nickelodeon fellows: SpongeBob SquarePants. Pineapples, snails and fast food were never so funny. 

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